Posts From David Mendoza

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ExpressHim Ministry

(Edited by Bj Mondesir and Angela Mangueira) What is ExpressHim? ExpressHim is the drama ministry on campus that uses their talent of acting, singing, and their love for God to get

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Music Groups Glorify God on Campus

(Edited by Brisa Ramirez and Angela Mangueira) There are several different music groups at Southwestern that have dedicated time to glorify the name of God in their worship through music.

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Opinion: God Works in Wonderful Ways

(Edited by Angela Mangueira) I was studying for a test on Tuesday afternoon and, I am not going to lie, I was feeling overwhelmed. I checked my phone for a

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A School Where You Can Find Peace

(edited by B.J. Mondesir) Many people come to college looking for different things. Some come seeking to find themselves, their life partner or educated friends while others come to ensure

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Opinion: What We Wear vs. Who We Are

(Edited by Jaime Baldwin and Saul Flores) I’ve been hearing a lot around campus about what people are wearing, from the newest jogging pants to the new Uggs coming out

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Southwestern Students Assist at Fun Fest

Students of Southwestern Adventist University assisted in the annual Keene Adventist Elementary School Family Fun Fest this weekend. University freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors all found a way to contribute

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Gospel Choir Starts a New Year

The Southwestern Adventist University gospel choir, United Praise, starts a new year strong with fresh faces and voices. Major changes have been made with this choir beginning with the new

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Health Tips For The Season

As the days start getting colder, being healthy and having a strong immune system is super important if you want to keep from getting a cold and being down for

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Meet the Family (Video)

Students and faculty of Southwestern Adventist University share their experience with Southwestern Adventist University. The video was created by Devin Grady, junior at Southwestern with a double major in communications

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