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Academic Departments To Host Vespers Tonight

Tonight, instead of making their way to the Keene Church, students will travel in groups to their specified departmental vespers or to a departmental vespers they find interesting. Each department

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SA To Host Open Mic Night

The Student Association will host an open mic night Saturday Nov. 15. The event will take place at the Student Center at 8 p.m. Students are invited to showcase talents

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University Bookstore Service Opens Tomorrow

BBA Solutions, the online bookstore serving Southwestern Adventist University, has reported that they will make fall textbooks available to students as of Thursday, July 11. Financial aid for bookstore purchases


  1. Brianna
    January 22, 00:19 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current Hadley resident who was forced to move from either Villa or Lakeview. And will there be a podcast talking to a female resident who was forced to leave Hadley?
  2. Brianna
    January 22, 00:21 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current resident who was forced to leave Villa or Lakeview and moved into Hadley. Will there be a podcast asking a female resident how they feel being forced out of Hadley and into Harmon?

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