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Outreach To Offer Communion for Nursing Home Residents

Outreach this Saturday, April 14, will be held at Town Hall Estates Nursing Home.  Students and members of the community are invited to share communion with those who live there.

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Registration Continues on Campus

Registration on the campus of Southwestern has been moving efficiently and successfully.  There are around 143 students who have completed class registration and, about another 100 that are working on

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Enactus Opens Doors for Students through Service to Community

“The major thing I like about Enactus is networking,” says Gabriel Castillo, senior business major and current president of Enactus. “You get to experience many useful things and get the


  1. Brianna
    January 22, 00:19 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current Hadley resident who was forced to move from either Villa or Lakeview. And will there be a podcast talking to a female resident who was forced to leave Hadley?
  2. Brianna
    January 22, 00:21 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current resident who was forced to leave Villa or Lakeview and moved into Hadley. Will there be a podcast asking a female resident how they feel being forced out of Hadley and into Harmon?

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