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University Singers To Perform in Little Rock

The 21 students who comprise Southwestern Adventist University’s University Singers will travel to Little Rock, Arkansas on Friday. They will be the featured music during an evangelistic crusade held at

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Convocation Video

A high-definition video of the 2010 Convocation is now available. 2010 Southwestern Convocation Share this:

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Adventist Forums Meeting Set for Oct. 20

The Southwest Chapter of the Association of Adventist Forums will present a program featuring Dr. Eric Anderson, university president, on Saturday, Oct. 20 at 2:15 p.m. in Pechero Hall room

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Moses
    April 02, 15:29 Reply
    I really miss the students. It is good to see that they are adapting to this situation. I can't wait till they come back.

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