Opinion: God Works in Wonderful Ways

Blanca Zuazua

Blanca Zuazua

(Edited by Angela Mangueira)

I was studying for a test on Tuesday afternoon and, I am not going to lie, I was feeling overwhelmed. I checked my phone for a break and I saw I had missed a call, but when I saw the name of the person who called I thought it was a mistake. However, I called back, just in case it wasn’t a mistake. Maricela answered and asked if she was talking to Blanca, and at that moment it hit me that it wasn’t a mistake.

The conversation went something like this:

Maricela: Hi Blanca! Do you still remember me?

Me: Yes, I do. How have you been Maricela? What a nice surprise that you called me.

Maricela: Wow, I’m glad you remember me! I’ve been doing well, how about you?

Me: I’ve been great, studying hard! I’m so happy you called. Tell me what’s going on?

Maricela: Well, Blanca, you remember that time a while ago when you came to my house? You talked to me, prayed with me, and then invited me to visit your church?

Me: Yes! I do remember.

Maricela: OK, I just wanted to let you know that I wasn’t able to go when you guys were around, but I did go visit as soon as I was able to do so. Now, I’m taking Bible studies, and I have been learning so much about God’s truth. I already know about the Sabbath and I am keeping it as well. I thought you would probably like to know this and I just want you to know that if you are feeling discouraged, or whatever is going on, just know that summer of 2013 was worth it, and that your visit to my house did make an impact in my life.

I couldn’t help but cry. I thanked her for taking the time to let me know of this amazing news. We talked for a few more minutes and then we prayed over the phone again. After she hanged up, it still took me a few more minutes to be able to go back to studying. I can’t express the joy that I felt in my heart. It reminded me of what our calling as Christians is and what true joy is like. It also made me think of many other people that I’ve met while canvassing and that I have prayed with. I can’t wait for the day when we are all together in heaven, with Jesus, and we will be able to meet them again, one by one we will see them. We may remember those tough days while canvassing, but we will be convinced that they were totally worth it, because we will all be there with Jesus’ company forever.

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