Southwestern Students Assist at Fun Fest

Stephanie Guerrero assist a KAES student with his sumo attire.

Stephanie Guerrero assist a KAES student with his sumo attire.

Students of Southwestern Adventist University assisted in the annual Keene Adventist Elementary School Family Fun Fest this weekend. University freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors all found a way to contribute to Fun Fest.

“I just showed up and suddenly I was volunteering,” said Dhyana Ebanks-Johnson, sophomore music education major. She helped at a basketball stand, one of Fun Fest’s many games. She enjoyed helping the elementary students and giving them the prizes that they would earn for winning.

Stephanie Guerrero, a senior psychology major, played with little kids and helped them with some of the activities. She feels that being in this environment is preparing her for the life of being a counselor, the career she is pursuing. Guerrero plans to pursue her masters degree after graduation this year. After that, she will teach for two years at a middle school, which will then qualify her to counsel. She wants to counsel children and adolescents.

“This is helping me to have patience,” Guerrero said. “This experience also helps me realize that I not only have to deal with the kids, but also the parents.” Guerrero is striving to be an elementary school teacher by next fall after she graduates this semester.

Other students such as Grace Barro, a freshman education major, Felicia Christie, a freshman pre-med major and Jonathan Louis, a sophomore pre-med major, helped at the concession stands.

“It feels fun,” Louis said. “I could be playing video games or something right now, but I feel more productive with my time helping out with the kids.”

Kayla Federowski, a 20-year-old education majoring junior, sold snow cones. She sold a lot considering that it was another hot day in Keene, Texas.

“I was there from 12-12:30 and I enjoyed helping the kids out. It was fun,” said Federowski.

Even some of the teachers from SWAU assisted at Fun Fest. English as a Second Language teacher Melanie Padon sold KAES shirts and sweaters. She’s been helping KAES with the annual Fun Fest for five years.

“I like to help out because my daughter, Valerie, attends the school. I’ve volunteered since 2009,” said Padon. Valerie Padon is in the 8th grade.

The KAES Fun Fest was filled with laughter and children looking to enjoy a Sunday afternoon. College students, elementary students, parents and teachers had fun as they helped give back to the community. Fun Fest has been a yearly tradition for many years. Keene Adventist Elementary School plans to have many more in the future.

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