New Spirit Wear Available For Purchase

New Spirit Wear Available For Purchase

Isai Ramirez, sophomore biology major, left, Melissa Chacon, sophomore psychology major, and Jason Balinao, sophomore biology major enjoy their new Southwestern themed clothing.

Southwestern Adventist University now sells “spirit wear” at the Rusty Bucket, located inside the Committee of 100 Cafeteria.

“Spirit Wear” is an item of clothing that shows spirit for your school. There are two new T-shirt designs, a sweater and pants available for purchase.

“Remember every single student here is an ambassador,” says Pastor Jose Pagan, enrollment counselor at Southwestern. “When you are an ambassador you represent where you are from. This is a way to say to the world, ‘I’m from Southwestern.‘

“This school is part of your identity, because you are a part of Southwestern. It’s something to feel proud of. Sports teams, soldiers, the UPS guy, they feel proud in their uniforms.  These clothes are for us to feel proud in.”

T-shirts are on sale for $6.95, sweatshirts and sweatpants are $14.95. They may be purchased with either cash or credit.

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