Posts From Makala Coleman

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Theology Student Benefits from the Generosity of Others

Health is the right hand of the gospel, and no one knew that better than R. Allen Jamison. So, when Judith Jamison-Payne decided to start a scholarship in memory of

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Club Seeks Volunteers for Local Mission Work

Southwestern’s Missions Club prepared “care kits” yesterday at Adventist Community Services’ Disaster Relief Depot in Keene. This was the first of many volunteer opportunities to be offered by the Missions

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Southwestern Leads in Adoption of Floorball

Southwestern Adventist University is ahead of the game, the floorball game to be specific. Floorball is a sport comparable to floor hockey. It’s quickly gaining popularity in the United States.

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Midterms? Students Share Their Reaction

(Edited by Saul Flores and Angela Mangueira) Southwestern Adventist University is in the middle of midterms, and students are somewhat optimistic. Freshmen face their first college test week. Seniors feel

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The Legacy of Education

“Education is the one gift you can give someone that will last a lifetime,” says Janice Hall, founder of the Raymond G. “Dick” Hall Jr. Scholarship. Dick was an alumnus

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Bad News Is Good News

Being told that I’ve done something wrong is surprisingly one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced. As editor of Status, Southwestern’s Student Association magazine, I can’t help but laugh

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God Has Better Plans

Riding the bench in baseball helped Mario Labrador get to know God better.

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A Heart for the World

Whether on a mission trip, family vacation or working, travel is a big part of who Kerrie Kimbrow is. And as a new nursing professor, she shares that joy with her students.

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An Unexpected Internship

Just because things don’t work out the way you envisioned doesn’t mean God doesn’t have a plan. Just ask Alyssa Graves.

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Recital Showcases Student Talent

Southwestern’s music department hosted their first spring recital last night. The students exhibited a variety of talent and skill. Halla Kalmansson, sophomore music major, sings Glitter and Be Gay from Candide. Written