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Students Learn Names of Muscles in Creative Ways

Learning names of muscles found in the human body may seem like a tiresome job.  Several anatomy and physiology students at Southwestern have found a way that makes learning more

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When God Calls You to Stay Home

Alex Cortes did not have to go far to find his purpose in life.

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Student Missions: “Because I Said So”

(edited by Brisa Ramirez) I love being in control. I hate it when I’m not. But If I could have a theme for my time in Africa, I would title


  1. Robert L. Robinson
    September 11, 22:45 Reply
    As a devoted reader cross country(MI)and alumnus, I have always enjoyed reading the temperature year round upon opening the Southwesterner site from the SWAU website. Now I don't find it since you have apparently "reworked your site". If possible(ie. no charges involved for featuring and the technical knowledge available to do so)can you please restore this feature ASAP? Thanks RLR '82 SAC
  2. Glen Robinson
    September 12, 14:41 Reply
    Thanks for your input. I had thought about it, and will try to add that in the next week or so. I'd also like to add a calendar of Southwestern events. Both of those are just waiting on me to figure out how those plug-ins work. Thanks again. gr

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