Town Hall Meeting Called for Tomorrow

Town Hall Meeting Called for Tomorrow

Anna Semakula

Southwestern’s Student Senate is committed to improving the Southwestern Experience through communication with the students, faculty, and staff. To help with this, a Town Hall meeting will take place tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the Student Center. This meeting is for students, giving them a forum where that they can voice ideas, projects, activities, and concerns here on campus.

“In the two years that I have been a part of Southwestern’s Student Senate, we haven’t had a Town Meeting,” says Anna Semakula, senior accounting major and SA executive vice president. “I believe it’s one of the best ways to hear directly from the students and what their ideas and suggestions are. For tomorrow’s meeting, I hope to learn about the problems students see on campus and the creative ideas they have that can make Southwestern an even better place to be.”

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