SWAU Celebrates 130 Years of Education and Service

SWAU Celebrates 130 Years of Education and Service

This school year, Southwestern Adventist University will mark the 130-year anniversary of its commitment to education, faith, and community.

Established as Keene Industrial Academy on January 7, 1894, over the years Southwestern has provided hope and growth for countless individuals.

For generations of alumni, SWAU has been more than just an institution of learning; it’s been a gateway to personal and professional growth.

Southwestern Adventist University celebrates 130 years of education and service this year.

Alumnus Jairo Dias shares: “Southwestern’s education has had a profound impact on my life. It taught me how to apply my knowledge to serve my community. Beyond academic grades, it emphasized the practical application of theory. This education enabled me to carry the attitude of service into my career.” Dias’ testimony reflects the essence of SWAU’s mission: to shape individuals who excel not just academically but are also service-oriented members of society.

Over the course of 130 years, SWAU has evolved to meet the changing needs of its students. The institution has expanded its academic offerings, ensuring that each generation benefits from a relevant and comprehensive education.

Dr. Paulino Santos-Andino, associate professor of kinesiology, says: “I wanted to put my talents and beliefs into my work, to be part of the Adventist mission that is knowledge, faith, and service. I strive to instill these values in my students, ensuring they carry them beyond these walls.”

Southwestern has been active in the community as well. Nilda Reyes, a resident of Keene, recognizes the university’s role: “The university has helped our town grow. Families move here for education, and local businesses thrive. But beyond economics, SWAU’s presence keeps our community safe and trustworthy.”

SWAU’s partnership with the Keene community has been mutually beneficial, creating an environment that fosters not only education but also economic prosperity and community well-being.

As SWAU celebrates its 130th anniversary, the university remains committed to its motto of fostering academic excellence, nurturing faith, and inspiring service.

Southwestern Adventist University’s 130th anniversary is not just a celebration of the past; it’s a testament to the enduring values and the bright future that this institution embodies.

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