Student Employment Opportunities

The following is a list of places on campus where students can check for job openings. Please note: their presence on this list does not guarantee that a job is available. Please check.


Advancement Office  Contact: Gary Temple (ext. 6231)

Building Maintenance  Contact: Dale Hainey (ext. 6512)

Business Office  Contact: Edna Yanez-Perez (ext. 6482)

Cafeteria  Contact: Greg Sullivan  (ext. 6614)

Campus Services  Contact: Sean Amos (ext. 6240)

Construction  Contact: Brad Fornal  (ext. 6520)

Custodial  Contact: Donna Morrison  (ext. 6203)

Education Office  Contact: Marcel Sargeant  (ext. 6256)

Electrical & Air Conditioning  Contact: Ellis Hainey  (ext. 6239)

Enrollment Office  Contact: Tina Bottsford  (ext. 6794)

Fleet Maintenance  Contact: Sean Amos  (ext. 6240)

Grounds  Contact: Sean Amos  (ext. 6240)

Gym  Contact: Rod Bussey  (ext. 6728)

KJRN Radio 88.3 Contact: Michael Agee  (ext. 6788)

Library  Contact: Cristina Thomsen  (ext. 6242)

Literature Evangelism  Contact: Islem Mattey  (ext. 6636)

Lock & Key Maintenance  Contact: Sean Amos  (ext. 6240)

Men’s Dorm  Contact: Wil Iverson  (ext. 6229)

Information Services Contact: Chaz Lewis (ext. 6720)

Registrar Office  Contact: Jason Kowarsch  (ext. 6270)

Security  Contact: Sean Amos  (ext. 6240)

Student Center  Contact: James The  (ext. 6719)

Student Finance  Contact: Patty Norwood  (ext. 6761)

Switchboard Operator  Contact: Janelle Williams  (ext. 6510)

Women’s Dorm  Contact: Janelle Williams (ext. 6510)


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