Southwestern Moves to Online Bookstore Service
Student returning to the Southwestern Adventist University campus in a few weeks will experience something different as part of fall registration. In place of the brick and plaster University Bookstore on campus, students will be encouraged to get their textbooks from the school’s new Online Bookstore (
While the new bookstore isn’t a physical place that allows students to loiter and buy a snack with their friends, it has many advantages over the old method of getting ready for school.
Students who visit the site have the option of signing in to their own account, which keeps track of past purchases, rental and sales. Or they can click on the button above that reads “Order Textbooks.” The student will be asked to choose the term (which semester), the department the class is in, the course number, and the section. The website will spell out which textbook is required for that class. It then gives students the option of buying a new textbook, a used textbook, or even renting the textbook for the semester, with prices for each option spelled out.
When the student has gone through their schedule for that semester, and entered the textbooks he or she wants to buy or rent, the website gives students options on how to pay for the books.
At the end of the semester, another button at the top—“Sell Textbooks”—will make an offer on purchasing textbooks from students. A phone number for customer service is also available.
The change is consistent with the growing tendency by students to purchase their textbooks online, as opposed to from a physical bookstore. The eCampus option will help students make sure they are obtaining the right textbooks, while benefiting from buying online.
“I’m excited about the possibilities,” says Ben McArthur, vice president for academic administration. “And once they’ve tried it, I’m confident students will be too. The new ‘virtual bookstore’ will provide greater flexibility for students in acquiring their textbooks. Now they can shop from their computer, and buy either new or used books (in most cases) or even rent a text for the semester.”
The Online Bookstore is also accessible via the dropdown menu (under Services) at the school’s official website.
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