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New Academic VP Brings Commitment to Education

As the new VP for academic administration, Amy Rosenthal joins the team with a firm commitment to Seventh-day Adventist higher education.

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Strengthening a Relationship with God

Attending a university whether its public or private is a daunting task, especially when people tell someone that it is impossible and they’ll never be able to do it.  This

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Student Missionaries Serve the World

Southwestern’s Office of Spiritual Development is asking that students, faculty and staff, and friends of Southwestern Adventist University keep student missionaries from Southwestern in their prayers. Some are already at

1 Comment

  1. Dr. Arthur Schwarz
    October 03, 13:49 Reply
    I experienced a "prayer visit" by a group of four students while in one of the faculty homes on 18 Sep. I was favorably impressed with the courteousness & spirituality of the students. Its a great outreach to the community! Students at SWAU are different, in a positive way, than some other places I've been. visitor from Uganda . . .

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