Missions Week Starts Monday
Southwestern’s annual Missions Week starts Monday, Sept. 24. Missions Club, a group of students passionate about doing mission work, will host it.
“We want to create awareness that we do have a missions program and provide people with opportunities to be involved in mission work,” said Blanca Zuazua, Missions Club president. “If God has given them the desire to be a missionary, then they’ll know how to get involved.”
Each day a question will be emailed to the student body at a random time. The first student to reply with the correct answer will win a prize. Questions vary from Biblical trivia to random facts.
Also throughout the week, a “pray for a country” stand will be on display in various locations. Students will write letters to current Southwestern missionaries. Once they fill out a letter they may choose a pin to wear that represents a country they are praying for.
On Tuesday the Missions Club will display interesting facts about missionary opportunities at the cafeteria. Plaques will display country information and the help that country needs the most.
Wednesday is International Dress Day. The Missions Club asks people to represent a country by wearing cultural clothing. A person doesn’t have to be from the country they chose to represent.
Thursday night Coed worship, Friday Night Vespers and Afterglow are hosted by Missions Club. They plan to show videos of and attempt to connect through Skype with current Southwestern missionaries.
The grand finale of Missions Week is Missions Fair, Saturday afternoon in the Chan Shun Centennial Library. There will be booths set up representing missionary organizations, as well as booths of former Southwestern missionaries sharing their experiences.
The Missions Club meets on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. until 7:10. The meeting counts as a worship point.
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