Her Talented Fingers Are Taking Her Places

First-year music and biology major Lindsey Johnson hopes one day to master mixed- gymnastics.

First-year music and biology major Lindsey Johnson hopes one day to master mixed-pair gymnastics.

First-year biology and music major Lindsey Johnson, is a girl of many talents.  She’s a natural-born leader, an avid gymnast as well as someone who happens to be endowed with the skills of a semi-professional pianist. This skill enabled her to become a piano finalist in one of the many music competitions she’s participated in. As a result, she received a music scholarship at Southwestern Adventist University; in short, she is a girl who has gone places in her eighteen years.

Johnson has published stories in Guide Magazine and won the accelerated reader award while in the 4th grade. Her accomplishments didn’t stop there, however. She’s also gone to many gymnastic tournaments around the country and played in her fair share of piano concerts. Piano isn’t the only instrument she knows how to play well; Johnson also has experience playing the organ and the cello.

She plays these instruments not because she looks for recognition but because she truly enjoys music. “It brings me much pleasure and joy and relaxes me,” she says. Her focus though is to become proficient in gymnastics because, as she says, “it pushes my physical capabilities and allows me to stay active and healthy.”

Her future goal in this pursuit is to master mixed-pair gymnastics. Even though she’s done dangerous things, like a gymnastic six-high, and in trying to reach her goal has suffered multiple injuries and bruises from it, she doesn’t let that deter her from her aim.

She’s a dual citizen of both Canada and the United States, and comes from a biracial family; her father is Canadian and her mother Hispanic. She is multilingual, speaking Spanish fluently since childhood. She loves traveling and has been to 12 countries including the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Panama, and England.

“I know I am blessed by God to be given so many opportunities,” she says. “I hope to continue developing my talents for Him.”

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