Departments Hold Own Vespers

This weekend is departmental vespers. No program will be presented in the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church. Here are the locations and times of specific departments. If your department is not listed here, contact your advisor for more information.

Nursing– Duck Pond 6:30 p.m.

Kinesiology– Meadows Gallery 6:30 p.m.

Psychology/Education– Student Center 7 p.m.

Computer Science– Dr. Daryl Thomas’ home 6:30 p.m.

Biology– Dr. Tom Bunch’s ranch 7:15 p.m.

Business – Dr. Fred Harder’s house 6 p.m.

History/social science– Pechero lounge 6 p.m.

Communication– Dr. Bob Mendenhall’s house 7 p.m.

Music– Wharton Auditorium 7 p.m.



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