ExpressHim Presents New Skit Series

Daiene Bezerra (Jade) takes a selfie with her “brother” Daniel Juarez (Jake) as part of a practice for the first episode.

Daiene Bezerra (Jade) takes a selfie with her “brother” Daniel Juarez (Jake) as part of a practice for the first episode.

ExpressHim, Southwestern’s drama ministry team, has a new series planned for this school year. The first episode of this series of skits was on Oct. 3 in the Keene Church for Friday night worship.

Laura Groessel, senior English major and director of ExpressHim, founded this ministry in the fall of 2013. It is one of several ministries sponsored by the Spiritual Life and Development office.

“I hope students will be encouraged by these skits to stand firm through the obstacles they face and to rely on God for shelter and strength,” Grossel says. She is very excited about seeing each episode unfold and wants students to get a blessing from the series.

The script is centered on six major characters, each one representing a struggle that Groessel believes is relevant to students at Southwestern. As each episode unfolds, more of the characters’ struggles will be revealed. The first episode introduced the characters and started to hint at their stories.

Edgar Infante, sophomore theology major, plays Kevin. “Special K for my friends, though,” he says. “He’s a jock. He’s too popular and too cool for school. He has a reputation of being a player both on and off the court.” He hopes students will get an example of what not to be when they see his character, but he also hopes for Kevin to find God throughout the series.

Daiene Bezerra, freshman nursing major, plays Jade. Bezerra describes Jade as both preppy and a gossip. “She has issues showing her true self to others. She’s very caring, even if it doesn’t seem like it. She’s very close to her brother and cares about him,” Bezerra says. She hopes for Jade to learn to think about others and to remember that everyone has a story.

“Pause” will be performed throughout the year at Friday Night Worships. The next skit will be shown Friday, Oct. 24.

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