Empty Campus: Photo Essay

Empty Campus: Photo Essay

With the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, a lonely, desolate atmosphere has descended over the SWAU campus. The local pigeons stand guard over sidewalks that ordinarily would be bustling with students. Instead of the noise of conversations between friends, there is only the birds calling to each other and perhaps the distant bark of a dog. Even the burbling fountain now is silenced.

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  1. Hannah
    April 20, 22:44 Reply
    That last shot of the cafeteria really hit home. The cafeteria building was basically a social common ground for everyone; it was always bustling with activity and had students coming in and out of its doors, whether to pick up food from Knights' Market, or to sit down for meals made more enjoyable with the company of friends. To see it at dusk with not even the kitchen light on is really sobering.

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