Deadline for Writing Contest Is Tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Tomorrow is the last day for students to enter this year’s Creative Writing Contest sponsored by the Rough Writers, Southwestern’s student creative writing club. Those who enter either short story or poetry categories have an opportunity to win cash prizes. Here are the rules:
1. Prizewinning entries will be published on the website for the SWAU student writers group the Rough Writers ( It will also be published in the annual book by the Rough Writers, The Scribbler’s Pen. Each writer who is published there will receive a free copy.
2. You must be a student at Southwestern Adventist University to enter.
3. Your entry must be an unpublished work by you. It should be consistent with the values and ideals of Southwestern.
4. Please include the title of your piece on both the first page of the manuscript and on the cover sheet. Do not include your name on the manuscript. Each page of the manuscript should include a header with title and page number.
5. Two entries per category maximum per student.
6. Include a cover sheet. It should list:
a. Entry category
b. Title of the entry
c. Name, year and major
d. Telephone number
e. Email address
7. DEADLINE: Turn in to by Friday, April 5 at 5 p.m. Winners will be announced at SWAU assembly, April 24.
Poetry: Karl Wilcox
Short Stories: Susan Gardner
(1) Short Stories: 10 pages or less, double spaced.
(2) Poetry: 20 lines or less.
First Place Winner of each category: $100 cash
Second Place Winner of each category: $50 cash
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