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God Will Provide for You

Despite overwhelming challenges, Samuel Vega knew he wanted to study theology and share Gods salvation.

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Following God to a New Life

Sheena Arocho thought she had everything worked out for her life plan. Then God revealed His plan for her.

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Getting in the Way For Christ

Arelli Dicken wants to change lives using the two things she is most passionate about: God and horses.

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Former Slacker Becomes Award-Winning Station Manager

He had a poor start as a Southwestern student, but the faith of his professors and tough love helped Mike Agee find success in radio and in life.

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Student Overcomes Haiti Earthquake

Mario Michel and his family experienced the horror of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The tragedy led them to Keene and a life of learning and growing in Christ.

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Biologist Couple Joins Southwestern Team

Drs. Peter and Amy McHenry had a lifetime of careers in research all planned. But God wanted them to consider something different.

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Southwestern Moves to Online Bookstore Service

Southwestern students now will be encouraged to buy or rent their textbooks from the school’s new online bookstore.

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“They Love Me–And I Don’t Know Why”

She came to earn a degree, and fell in love with the Southwestern education department and teaching.

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James The Named VP for Student Services

James The now serves as Southwestern’s new Dean of Students.

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Education Is About Learning to Think

Would an independent thinker be comfortable on a traditional Seventh-day Adventist University campus? Nursing major Kenny Collins tells his story.