Fire Dept. Hosts Annual Star Fest

Fire Dept. Hosts Annual Star Fest

Festivities at this year's Star Fest drew people from all over Keene.

Star Fest is an opportunity for the Keene community to come together and enjoy food, games, and entertainment. It is hosted by the Keene fire department and takes place annually on Halloween night. This year, Southwestern students had the chance to volunteer their time for the event.  Food vendors, arcade games, live music, acrobatic performances, hayrides, and helicopter rides filled the night.

“Many people from the Adventist community, especially Southwestern Adventist University and Chisholm Trail Academy students, volunteer time at Star Fest,” says Russ Laughlin, youth pastor for the Keene Seventh-Day Adventist Church.  “Halloween is a night that has been traditionally dedicated to satanic things, yet that doesn’t mean that we can’t switch it around for God’s glory.  Star Fest creates a sense of community in Keene, and it brings out an opportunity to share God’s love.”

Jonny Wilczynski and Stephanie Rudisaile enjoy Star Fest food.

Students had the chance to help sell food, and to be attendants at games. There were also several acrobatic performances from Southwestern’s SWAT team, the Chisholm Trail Academy Acroblazers, and Peterson’s gymnastics team.  Everything was free except for helicopter rides and food.

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