Work Opportunities Are Available On Campus

Work Opportunities Are Available On Campus

Sean Amos, director of student services, right, and Mario Michel, a math major at Southwestern, help make the Southwestern campus beautiful.

There’s more to college than schoolwork, for instance paying the bills. Jobs are available on campus; students just need to know where to look.

The Student Services building is a good place to start a job search. It’s located next to the new Student Center. “It’s our job here to figure out who’s hiring on campus,” says Sean Amos, director of campus services. “We try, to the best of our ability, to call every department and see if they have job openings.”

There are a few departments that do their own research and hire outside of campus service, but most do not.

“The thing about jobs is that there are people who like hard labor and there are people who like to sit and do desk work,” says Amos. “Right now we have grounds positions available, and I heard the cafeteria still has some positions available as well.”

Grounds and the Cafeteria are two of the major fields where many students work, according to Amos. He even spent four years working there as a student.

Students should also talk with their advisors, and with professors in their department, to see what jobs are available. Jobs related to a student’s major are good to have on a resume. It gives them future job related work experience to put on a resume or in a portfolio.

Some examples of job opportunities related to specific majors are education students working for tutoring, English students working for the Write Spot or computer science students working for Information Technology Services.

The hiring process basically takes place in each individual department, according to Amos. “There’s not a real in-depth interview process because students aren’t going to be there forever. Everyone gets paid roughly the same.” Amos does suggest that students dress professionally for a better chance of getting hired.

“Students are working to pay off their tuition,” says Amos. “But really it’s also to become responsible adults and learn what it’s like to actually work. To learn what it’s like to have hard earned money.”

For a list of potential hiring places on campus, go to




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