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Rough Writers Meet This Thursday

If you are a burgeoning poet, short story writer, or novelist, I recommend to you The Rough Writers. Southwestern Adventist University has its very own campus creative writing group. Though

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Hockey Intramurals (Multimedia)

Students in the Photojournalism created an audio slideshow featuring floor hockey intramurals at Southwestern. Share this:

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Bowling Sat. night

Buses for the Student Association’s weekend event will leave at 8:30 p.m. in front of the library. Students must bring their student I.D. for a free drink and a pizza


  1. Brianna
    January 22, 00:19 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current Hadley resident who was forced to move from either Villa or Lakeview. And will there be a podcast talking to a female resident who was forced to leave Hadley?
  2. Brianna
    January 22, 00:21 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current resident who was forced to leave Villa or Lakeview and moved into Hadley. Will there be a podcast asking a female resident how they feel being forced out of Hadley and into Harmon?

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