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English Dept. Offers Creative Writing Emphasis

Southwestern Adventist University now offers a new type of study for English majors: a writing emphasis.   Along with regular English classes, it will also focus on creative writing. “The new

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Thrive Weekend Offers Spiritual Empowerment

“Thrive: A Weekend of Spiritual Empowerment” starts this Friday, Sept. 7 at 8 p.m. Men meet at Wharton Auditorium and Women meet at Chan Shun Centennial Library. The featured speakers

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Weekend Activities Highlight Christmas Hope

A special Christmas themed vespers is planned for this Friday night.  “Our Christmas Hope” will feature drama, readings, and music that’s all based around our Hope, Jesus Christ. Vespers will


  1. Brianna
    January 22, 00:19 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current Hadley resident who was forced to move from either Villa or Lakeview. And will there be a podcast talking to a female resident who was forced to leave Hadley?
  2. Brianna
    January 22, 00:21 Reply
    Was wondering why an off campus student was interviewed and not a current resident who was forced to leave Villa or Lakeview and moved into Hadley. Will there be a podcast asking a female resident how they feel being forced out of Hadley and into Harmon?

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