When God Calls You to Stay Home

Alex Cortes, freshman at Southwestern, enjoys many activities, including choir, photography, and intramurals.
People often travel great distances to find purpose in life. Alexander Cortes, freshmen at Southwestern Adventist University, feels God has a purpose for him right here in his hometown of Keene, Texas.
“I’ve lived around Southwestern my whole life,” says Cortes. “Some people consider it annoying, but I really like it. I fell in love with the place. I think God has a purpose for me here.”
Cortes was a homeschooler through his elementary and high school career. He studied with three older siblings, all of which have attended or currently attend Southwestern. Besides school, Cortes spends a lot of time with music.
He helped start the band “Contagious Faith” in 2008. Current members include Cortes as guitarist and lead singer, his brother Anthony, a sophomore, playing bass, and Jorge Rico, a senior, on piano. They often perform local venues and recently came out with their second CD, “Hope In The Sky.”
“We thought it was going to be really expensive because we wanted a top quality recording,” said Cortes. “Then my brother suggested we just do the best we can ourselves and take the CD to a recording studio where they could master the songs. We did that and the sound is a lot better; actually pretty good for having done it at the house.”
Cortes wrote all four songs on the CD, except for one that he co-wrote with his cousin in Puerto Rico. That song is written in Spanish.
“It’s refreshing to see someone his age who is so involved with his church,” says Darcy Force, director of marketing and communications. “He has a passion for helping share the word about his University, and has a music ministry. Alex is unusually driven to share the talents God has given him. It’s a privilege to have him working in the marketing department because he gives 110% in everything he does.”
“In many ways, God has been the reason I do what I do,” said Cortes. “God’s always there and he sustains me. That’s how the songs come out, from life experience, and just seeing how God leads my life here in Keene.”
At Southwestern, Cortes works as a photographer for the marketing department. He’s also a singer with the Southwestern Singers, the University’s touring choir.
Cortes hasn’t declared a major yet. He says that he is leaning towards communication, but wants to “taste other fields” and see what else is out there.
“Even if God takes me other places later on in life, I’m really glad he took me to Southwestern,” says Cortes. “After all, it’s not something of where you go, but how you look at things. It’s all about the attitude, and in the end I wouldn’t go anywhere else, honestly.
“God has specific places for each person and leads them there. Trials always go on, but definitely God has led me: he is keeping me strong.”
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