University Welcomes New VP for Advancement
Southwestern Adventist University is pleased to announce the appointment of Tami Condon as its new Vice President for Advancement. Condon will oversee the Office of University Advancement, which includes alumni relations, development, and marketing and public relations.Condon graduated with a bachelor of science in interior design from Andrews University in 1991 and a master of arts in leadership in 2013. Her research project was titled, “Social Media Usage Among Andrews University Alumni and Their Preferences for Alumni Communication.”
As director of alumni services, Condon has engaged alumni and friends of Andrews University by planning, promoting and conducting nearly 100 events annually on campus and around North America. She has also nurtured current student relationships by initiating networking and mentoring opportunities. Her role has included development, production and messaging of alumni marketing materials, including website and social media outreach for a constituency base of 94,000.
“Tami Condon brings an extensive background in alumni relations as well as experience in marketing and student involvement to this strategic role,” says Ken Shaw, president. “She has already been on our campus twice and has demonstrated leadership and warmth of engagement that will be highly valued as we seek to strengthen alumni and community relationships. We are thrilled that she has accepted this position.”
Condon was a presenter at the 2011 and 2014 Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI) Conferences on Philanthropy, and received the peer nominated Excellence in Service Award from Andrews University in 2004. Condon is a member of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). She is married to Lloyd Condon, AIA, a registered architect, and they have two children, Jessica, 21, and Joshua, 18.
“I have been impressed with the friendly, Christ-centered campus, and continue to be inspired by Ken Shaw’s commitment to students and his servant leadership style,” says Condon. “Exciting things are happening at Southwestern Adventist University and I’m incredibly honored to join the team.”
Condon will officially join the Southwestern Adventist University family on July 1.
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