University Singers Perform in Houston

The University Singers have a busy schedule this school year. They are directed by Mr. Jonathan Wall (far left), and accompanied by Dr. John Boyd (far right).

The University Singers, Southwestern’s traveling choir, took their first of many tours this school year on November 11 and 12.  On these tours, they use music as a special ministry with the potential to bless the audience members as well as the performers.

“Ministry is an important part of living a Christian life,” says Jonathan Wall, director.  “Musicians have the opportunity to dedicate their gifts and talents toward a ministry that can inspire, educate and shape the lives of all they interact with.”

The tour took place in Houston, where the choir was kept on a tight schedule, with four concerts performed in less than two days.

They arrived in Houston on a Friday afternoon, along with Wall and pianist Dr. John Boyd.  Immediately after climbing out of their vans, the group walked onto a stage and sang at Oaks Adventist Christian School.  Later on that night they sang at Houston Spanish Alief Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Thanks to the enrollment department at Southwestern Adventist University, the University Singers were able to settle into a hotel for the night, rather than a gymnasium floor.  They needed to rest their voices for the two remaining concerts, Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Houston Spanish Spring Branch Seventh-day Adventist Church.

At each church the University Singers visited, they performed about an hour’s worth of music.  Musical style ranged from upbeat spiritual songs to calming and classical pieces.

“I believe there are many important reasons for taking choir tours,” says Wall. “As Christians, we are charged by Jesus to spread the gospel throughout the entire world. As musicians, we have the special ability to touch others through the unique power of music.

“Every time I go on a concert tour I am reminded of the special impact that music can have on the individuals, families, and communities that we sing to. However, God’s blessing does not end with the audience members, I have seen many choir members dedicate their lives to Christ as a result of singing in a choir committed to worshiping God and serving others.”

For the rest of the school year, the University Singers have a busy schedule planned. On top of maintaining a regular touring schedule throughout the Southwestern Union Conference, they will also be featured at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center during Southwestern’s Music Festival, travel to Puerto Rico for 10 concerts during spring break, perform several local concerts, and end the year with their second annual University Singers Showcase Concert on May 5.


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