Southwestern To Hold First Annual Parents’ Weekend
Southwestern’s very first Parents’ Weekend is scheduled for Nov. 1 and 2. This event consists of vespers, meeting University President Eric Anderson, departmental Sabbath schools allowing parents to meet professors, Southwestern Sabbath, lunch, concert and evensong, and Saturday night fun.
Bill Kilgore, professor of religion, will speak for the Friday night vespers program. Jennifer Scott, new senior pastor of the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church, will present the sermon for Southwestern Sabbath. The concert and evensong will feature Southwestern’s music department.
“We’re excited to invite the parents of our students on campus,” says Darcy Force, director of marketing and public relations. “Parents’ Weekend gives parents a chance to see the campus and their kids in action. It also allows the parents to meet professors.
“A parent’s influence doesn’t magically stop when a student enters college. We want parents to feel a part of their student’s continued success and that means constantly finding new ways to open the channels of communication. Parents are a big part of the Southwestern family.”
For more information, contact Southwestern’s enrollment office.
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