Southwestern To Host Acrofest Nov. 6-9

Southwestern To Host Acrofest Nov. 6-9

Acrofest will conclude with acrobatic teams from each school presenting gymnastics routines for the public. Here, Southwestern students perform at one of SWAT’s annual homeshows.

Acrofest, the national sports acrobatic clinic for Seventh-day Adventist schools, takes place at Southwestern Nov. 6 to 9. Acrofest is a four-day event that starts with clinicals and group trainings and culminates with a big show where each team presents a routine.

In 1991, Coach Robert Kaluaand Andrews University hosted the first national acrobatic clinic for Seventh-day Adventist schools. With clinicians that were competing at the top of their sport and coming from around the world, the first Acrofest gave gymnasts from the United States and Puerto Rico a look at world-class sports acrobatic excellence.

By creating a non-competitive atmosphere, Kalua helped establish opportunities for quality instruction and provided much-needed motivation toward a goal of skill, education, and team development within the Seventh-day Adventist educational system.

More than 600 gymnasts traveled thousands of miles to the first Acrofest. Over the years, the event has grown more diverse in the skills taught and has a greater impact on individual programs, making attendance increase. Now over 30 teams attend each year and the number of coaches and gymnasts exceeds 1,000.

Sports acrobatics as well as a Christ-centered theme are a regular part of the event. The clinic teaches gymnasts and coaches about the power that a faith-based gymnastics team can have on audiences.

Acrofest has been and is hosted by different Adventist colleges and universities every year. It has become a highly anticipated event for students and coaches alike.

“To this day I can still remember the rush I got when I went to my first ever Acrofest at Southwestern,” says Austen Powell, sophomore theology major at Southwestern. “The thing I love most about Acrofest is being able to do a sport I love while getting to meet other Christians and learning about their love for the sport and their love for God. I love to see how they are using their talents and skill to uplift God, literally!”

For more information on this year’s Acrofest visit Southwestern’s Acrofest site: Video trailers for this year’s Acrofest can be found here:

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  1. Glen Robinson
    November 07, 16:59 Reply
    The big show will be available on live stream via the Acrofest website.
  2. Ana
    November 08, 10:07 Reply
    How do I get tickets? Link to your acrofest web page doesn't seem to work.
  3. Glen Robinson
    November 08, 15:56 Reply
    The link is working, but tickets must be purchased at the gym today before 5 p.m. or at the door the night of the performance.

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