Southwestern Board Officially Accepts $2 Million Gift

From left: Jeff Bromme, Adventist Health System senior vice president and chief legal officer and member of Southwestern's Board of Trustees; Larry Moore, board chairman; Max Trevino, board member emeritus; and Ken Shaw, University president. Shaw is shown signing the document during the recent Board of Trustees meeting.

From left: Jeff Bromme, Adventist Health System senior vice president and chief legal officer and member of Southwestern’s Board of Trustees; Larry Moore, board chairman; Max Trevino, board member emeritus; and Ken Shaw, University president. Shaw is shown signing the document during the recent Board of Trustees meeting.

Southwestern Adventist University’s Board of Trustees officially accepted a $2 million gift last week. According to Larry Moore, chairman, the board voted the following:

VOTED to express our appreciation to Adventist Health System for their generous gift establishing a $2 million endowment fund to create the Adventist Health System Endowed Chair of Business Administration.  The Board commends the leadership of Adventist Health System and is deeply grateful for their faithful commitment to Southwestern Adventist University.

“We are happy to partner with Adventist Health System in this endeavor,” said Moore. “It will help Southwestern better prepare our graduates for acquiring a successful place in the work force. It is truly a blessing to our institution.”

The gift comes from the Adventist Health System Board and will provide the Business Department with an endowed chair position. The position, to be named “Adventist Health System Endowed Chair of Business,” will be funded by the interest of the endowed funds.

“Adventist Health System appreciates the Christian education provided by Adventist colleges and universities. It is my prayer that this gift will strengthen Southwestern Adventist University and thus also strengthen our company through the future infusion of skilled, spiritual, health care leaders,” said Don Jernigan, PhD, president and CEO of Adventist Health System.

“We are excited about the possibilities this gift will bring to our University, and look forward to working with Adventist Health System on fortifying our business administration department,” concluded Ken Shaw, president.

Adventist Health System is a Seventh-day Adventist health care organization headquartered in Altamonte Springs, Florida. A national leader in quality, safety and patient satisfaction, Adventist Health System’s nearly 73,000 employees maintain a tradition of whole-person health by caring for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of every patient. With 45 hospital campuses in ten states, Adventist Health System facilities are united in the mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ.

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