Southwest Region To Host Cycling Tour

Cycling to from Dallas to San Antonio next summer was a recent decision the Southwest Region Conference of Seventh-Day Adventist executives voted on.

The Tour de Youth cycling event will consist of riding bicycles through 325 miles of beautiful towns, hills and back roads of central Texas in conjunction with the quintennial session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to be held in San Antonio.
“The tour will be a very nice experience to participate,” says Southwestern Adventist University senior Arturo Quintero. “But they should not just present the health message with this event. They should also demonstrate the love that God has toward us.”

The Tour de Youth will also bring awareness to a growing problem between adults and youth in Texas and the United States as a whole: obesity.
That’s why the Southwest Region has organized this cycling event. First, they want to show that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a strong emphasis on healthy life choices and being active in the surrounding community.
“It’s great what they are doing,” says SWAU senior Kevin Gonzales. “They are not just telling people that they should live better, but they are demonstrating that they believe in the message they are preaching.”

Secondly, they want to motivate young people and adults to live healthier life styles and make positive choices that will help them in their future.

. This event is not just for people living in the Dallas area. Anyone who wants to participate from a different part of the country is welcome to do so, in order to make the 60th General Conference Session one that nobody will ever forget.

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