Small Groups Provide Many Worship Options
Fitting time for worship into a busy college schedule can be hard. The good news is that there are many new opportunities for group Bible study this semester. Small worship groups are taking place at many different times and places, providing the opportunity for everyone to participate.
A few weeks have gone by since school started at Southwestern. As students settle into their routines they should find a small worship group that fits into their schedule. It’s a good way to meet people and to learn more about God. If a student wants to be involved in a small group, but can’t find the time, the spiritual growth and development team at Southwestern Adventist University encourages that student to start up his or her own group. Email Angie Boothby, the small group coordinator, at for details on how to start a small group.
“I am very excited about the number of small groups this year, but there is always room for more. Each group has its own theme and the overall goal of small groups is foremost to seek God’s leading and respond to it. Group leaders want people to develop a method of Biblical interpretation and understanding. They want people to make new friends, be comfortable inviting old friends to a place where they can learn about Christ, and to learn how to share their experience of Jesus with others,” Boothby says.
Below there is a list of current small groups along with when and where they meet.
Y.A.F. (Young Adult Fellowship)
Pechero Lounge #131
Thursday 7 p.m.
F.R.O.G. (Forever Rely On God) 40 Days of Prayer and Devotions
Sunday and Wednesday 10 p.m.
LYC (Lay Youth For Christ)
Pechero Lounge #131
Monday 7 p.m.
When God Writes Your Love Story (for single young women)
Girls Dorm Basement
Tuesday 7 p.m.
Seekers: a Bible study for the mind, soul, and spirit
Off campus: 300 Mockingbird Lane, Keene
Thursday 10 p.m.
ShareHim: Bible markings and learning to give Bible studies
Evans Hall Prayer Room
Wednesday 8:00 p.m.
Library: Heritage Center Reading Room
Thursday 7 p.m.
Not Just a Feeling
2nd floor Harmon Hall room 211
Monday 7:30 p.m.
Wake Up With God
2nd floor Harmon Hall room 206
Tuesday 6:45 a.m.
Our Eternal Cross
3rd floor Harmon Hall room 305
Thursday 7:30 p.m.
Prayer Warriors
Hadley Hall room 115
Tuesday 7 p.m.
Faith For Today
Hadley Hall room 257
Sunday 8:00 p.m.
When God Writes Your Love Story
Hadley Lobby
Tuesday and Thursday 7:20 a.m.
Your Heart’s Desire
Meier Hall room 170
Thursday 8:30 p.m.
1st floor Bible study
Miller Hall room 109
Tuesday 7 p.m.
2nd floor Bible study
Miller Hall room 214
Sunday 10 p.m.
3rd floor Bible study
3rd floor lobby
Monday 11:30 p.m. prayer time at 6 a.m.
Villa Bible study
Room # 2
Sunday 9:30- 11 p.m.
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