Senior Exit Exam Approaches

Students who plan on graduating in December 2016, May 2017 or August 2017 must take the senior general education exit exam. This exam is available at two times: Sunday, October 30 at 8:30 a.m.  and Wednesday, November 2 at 6 p.m. The first exam will be held in Pechero Hall in room 126 and 128 and the second in Barron Chapel.

This exam is intended to help the school understand how well the material was taught during the past four years and how much students have learned from the first time they entered until the time of graduation.

Students taking this exam should plan on arriving on time, since the test will begin promptly as scheduled, as well as bringing a number-two lead pencil. The student may also bring a hand-held, non-printing, 4-function or 6-function calculator.

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