Scriven to Speak on Darwinism for Saxon Series

Scriven to Speak on Darwinism for Saxon Series

Charles Scriven

The popular discussion of Darwinism is too narrow, according to Charles Scriven, president of Kettering College of Medical Arts.  Scriven is the speaker for the second lecture in Southwestern Adventist University’s Saxon Lecture Series.  Promising a “non-fundamentalist critique,” he says that scientific popularizers of Charles Darwin have distorted key issues.  The problems with Darwin and Darwinism, he says, go well beyond the age of the earth or a “literal” interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2.

Scriven’s lecture is entitled “Darwinism and ‘Parascience.’”  The lecture will be presented on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University, on Saturday, October 1 at 4 p.m. in the Wharton Auditorium (located in the Mabee Center).

Trained as a theologian, Scriven is the author of three books: The Demons Have Had It: A Theological ABC; The Transformation of Culture: Christian Social Ethics After H. Richard Niebuhr; and The Promise of Peace.

Scriven was educated at Walla Walla College, Andrews University and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, where he earned a Ph. D. in systematic theology and Christian social ethics. He is one of the founding editors of Insight magazine and the chairman of the board for the Association of Adventist Forums.  He has served as senior pastor of the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church, and president of Columbia Union College (now Washington Adventist University).

The annual Saxon Lecture Series is the brainchild of George Saxon, retired physics professor from Southwestern.  Its goal is promoting informed discussion on science and religion. Running since 2007, the series has featured topics such as the trial of Galileo, John Harvey Kellogg’s scientific achievements, the limits of evolution, new research on dinosaurs, and the challenge of the “new atheism.”

The lecture is free and open to the public.

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1 Comment

  1. Ron
    December 13, 20:45 Reply
    Hey, its very simple for sure and that is if you are atheist then you will support Darwin's BS and if your a believer in God as Creator of man and all living things, then you are wise. A fool saith in his Heart there is no God, so we know what you are. A thousand years as but one day to God. Listen the Respect of God is the beginning of wisdom. There is a way that seem right unto man but the end is death. When you atheists pass away someday and you will as it is an appointment you can't cancel, then you we kow the truth and may God have mercy on your hateful soul.

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