SA To Host Bachelor-Themed Valentine’s Day Celebration
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching with exciting events taking place on the Southwestern campus. Southwestern Adventist University Student Association is hosting a: The Bachelor-themed Valentine’s Day celebration. Festivities will be located at Southwestern Adventist University student center on Feb. 13, at 7 p.m.
With Valentine’s Day also comes the added pressure of what to do with your significant other, or maybe the stress of not having a significant other. This Valentine’s Day, ladies it’s up to you. Southwestern Adventist University proudly declares this event Sadie Hawkins! It’s time that the girls ask the guys: “Will you accept this rose?”
Single and ready to hand out some roses? Speed dating will give singles the chance to hand out those oh, so important first impression roses. Meanwhile, the couples will try their hand at a game of: who is more likely to. If speed dating isn’t your thing, the minute to win it games will be like the group date of your dreams. And if that’s not enough, what would a night at Bachelor Mansion be without some good old-fashioned quarreling? That’s right, a riveting game of battle of the sexes will ensue and it’s sure to be the true bachelor experience of a lifetime!
But what about the food? There will be a variety of theme-appropriate snacks to satisfy any and every college student including: the Valentine’s Day cliché chocolate-covered strawberries, “will you accept this rose” cupcakes, a cheesy treats tray, and more chocolate covered goodies provided by Buttercream Sweets & Eats.
Join Southwestern Adventist University in celebrating Valentine’s Day the Bachelor way. We hope to steal you away from reality for one night and one night only. Your name is on the date card. We hope to see you there!
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