SA Seeks Candidates for Upcoming Election

SA Elections PosterThe current student association officers will be ending their year-long service to students at the end of this semester, and a new list of officers will begin their year in office.   To be elected, a student must first apply for election. Students can pick up one of these applications in: Miller Hall, Harmon Hall, Chan Shun Library, the gym, the student center or online.

To be considered for an elected office, a student must: (1) have attended Southwestern Adventist University for at least one semester, (2) have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, (3) be taking an academic load of eight hours or more, (4) be a student in good standing, (5) acquire 38 signatures from students and two from teachers, (6) agree to run a clean campaign.

Students are to turn in their application with the required signatures at student services in Findley Hall by Friday, Jan. 30.

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