Outdoor Church To Highlight Weekend

This weekend’s spiritual events will include outdoor vespers, afterglow, outdoor church, afternoon activity, picnic dinner, and an outdoor concert.

The last Friday Night Worship of the year will begin at 8 p.m. at the amphitheater in the center of campus celebrating None But Jesus! Afterglow will follow in the same location. In case of rain, vespers will relocate to the Keene SDA Church and afterglow to Wharton Auditorium.

On Sabbath morning, a light breakfast snack will be provided at 10:30 outside the Barron Chapel and Southwestern’s annual Outdoor University Church will begin at 11:15 at the amphitheater with the message, Don’t Toot Your Own Horn.

The Sabbath afternoon activity will be the traditional end-of-the-year trip to the Fort Worth Zoo meeting at the library at 2 p.m. Buses will depart at 2:15 and return to campus by 5:30. Student ID cards are required for this activity.

Sabbath evening, a chipotle picnic dinner will begin at 6 p.m. outside next to the Amphitheater on campus. Student ID cards are required for this dinner. Then at 7, closing out the Sabbath will be a Rachel Lampa Concert at the Amphitheater. This concert is free for any wanting to come.

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  1. Micah Van Gorp
    April 26, 00:30 Reply
    From what I understand, anyone can attend the evening concert? Or is it only for people associated with the college?
  2. Glen Robinson
    April 26, 13:00 Reply
    They are outside, so I don't think there will be any restrictions.

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