Opinion: Time Management, Prioritizing Are Keys to College Success

Saul Flores

Saul Flores

Entering college can be overwhelming and frightening because you never know what to expect. As a new semester begins, students try to get back into their routines. Some students look back at their first semester and realize that they got through it and are ready to take on this semester.

“Last semester was pretty fun,” says Josh Ramirez, freshman theology major. “The biggest adjustment I had to make was getting into the work flow, because it’s harder than high school. And managing time was pretty hard, but I think I did a good job over all.”

One of the hardest things to do in college is manage time, which is crucial for students to get into rhythm quickly. They need to do it to succeed in classes and extracurricular activities.

“One of the most important things to remember is to not procrastinate,” says Arturo Quintero, senior theology major. “Just because an assignment is due at the end of the semester, don’t leave it until the last minute to do it. It really doesn’t work.”

“You have to schedule out your assignments weeks ahead,” says Kevin Gonzales, history major. “In doing so, you can have enough time to do all the assignments, and that goes for all of the classes.”

Another crucial aspect of college that incoming students need to learn quickly is prioritizing what they have to do to succeed in college.

“The most important things during the semester are my classes,” says Marlene Espiricueta, junior education major. “Primarily my classes that have to do with my major, which are my teaching classes.”

In college, classes have to become a student’s main priority, but it’s good to have an escape to just relax and unwind.

“It’s also good to have a break from studying so you don’t fry your brain,” says Espiricueta. “That’s why it’s good to have friends in your priority list, but not so high up so you can also get your work done.”

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