Opinion: Music At Our Sports Events

Evelyn Rubio

Evelyn Rubio

(edited by Brisa Ramirez and B.J. Mondesir)

Is our University different from any other school? Is it different from a public or any other Christian school? If not, then what’s different other than just the name?

As Adventists we are called to be different. When others come to visit us they should be able to see that difference. We shouldn’t act like we belong in this world because the things of this world won’t lead us home to Christ. We are from this world but not of it (Romans 12:2).

Music that doesn’t elevate us to Christ doesn’t help us on our walk with Christ. Music impacts our life either for good or bad. When you hear a heavy beat, you can’t help but move your body around. So if our university is called to be a difference, then why do we look like the world?

The reason I’m saying this is because in our sport events we seem to put beats that are of the world. Although the words are not in the music, almost everyone knows where the beat originally comes from. Is this music supposed to get the players excited for the game?

From what I see the crowd gets more excited than the players do. They forget they are Christians. They dishonor God in the way that they move their bodies inappropriately. This does not honor God and the temple that our bodies are.

The schools we play against and visitors who aren’t Adventist hear us play this music. What makes us different from them? Why can’t we play God’s songs at our sports events? I would be more motivated to play while I worship God, knowing that the reason I’m playing is because God gave me talent to do so. I would want to praise him with worship songs thanking Him for the gift he blessed me with. If I heard the other music I would lose focus and start to sing songs that don’t lead me to Christ.

I’ve attended public schools my whole life and grew up not being Adventist. I know how public schools are and how the world is. In my public schools for every event we played that kind of secular music with no words. The students would get too hyped and move their bodies to the rhythm. The faculty would go up to them and make them stop, unless they had permission to do a show. They weren’t allowed to do anything crazy.

If a public school did this and our school does too, then what’s the difference? If a person comes to visit our campus at a sport event for the first time what will the reaction be? They would see us as hypocrites right away and leave.

As Adventists we are called to go out and preach the Gospel to all nations, as it says in Mark 16:15. The world has to see that we are different. We are the light of the world, according to Matthew 5:14.

We shouldn’t be acting like the rest of the world. Even if we think that it’s just music, then we are wrong. Music is one of the main idols and gods of this world. We shouldn’t be influenced by the world and make ourselves comfortable (Leviticus 11:44-45). We are disciples of God. I believe we are the last generation to finish His work. Adventist isn’t just a name. It’s part of our walk with Christ. As Adventists, we shouldn’t conform to the ways of this world especially in the music we let influence us.

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  1. Elizabeth Marin
    November 21, 06:15 Reply
    Hi Evelyn, I am a graduate student from Southwestern Adventist University and even though I don't know you, I admire with how much conviction you share your thoughts in regards to this topic. A topic which I think should be seriously considered in our Christian institutions, especially since we represent God's people. Every action whether big or small will definitely reflect our characters and what kind of character do we want to represent before others? That's the question. By the way, I've always believed that Southwestern has so much talent and potential that combined with the Christian character can make so much more influence to others and that is one of the primary goals of its students, to proclaim God's message and prepare missionaries to go out. God bless

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