Music a Big Part in Students’ Lives

(Edited By Saul Flores and Angela Mangueira)

Music plays a big part in today’s society.  Life at Southwestern Adventist University is not exempt from this reality of life. Many of the students at Southwestern, are big fans of music while others have more limited playlists.


Erika Martinez

“I prefer listening to classical music,” says Erika Martinez music major. “Most of the time I listen to music when I wake up in the morning and right before I go to bed.”

Different students listen to music at different times of the day; it mostly depends on their mood or what they are doing.

Cindy Ortega

Cindy Ortega

“I usually listen to classical and southern gospel while I’m working at the greenhouse,” says Cindy Ortega. “Music uplifts my spirits and provides me with peace and comfort.”

“I like listening to music while I’m studying, but when I’m not studying I prefer a capella music,” says David Hernandez theology major. “However, I do prefer to listen to classical music when I’m doing homework because it usually lacks lyrics, which are distracting when I’m trying to concentrate while doing homework.”

Antonio Correa is the Literature Evangelism Ministry Director, and despite being Brazilian, he is a big fan of Mexican music.

Antonio Correa

Antonio Correa

“Some of my favorite music styles are Rancheras, Mariachi, Classical, and Norteñas,” says Antonio Correa. “I really enjoy the beat and often listen to music while I’m driving.”

Music not only is a good pastime, but it also affects people’s lives in a variety of ways.

“Some music can help people dealing with depression,” says Cindy Ortega.

“Music has therapeutic properties,” says Antonio Correa. “Classical music has the ability to help the frontal lobe of the brain.”

Music will always be a big element of a person’s life whether its while studying, exercising, or just relaxing.

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