Highschoolers to Visit Southwestern

Postcard that has been sent to prospective students.

Academy students interested in knowing what it’s like to be a Southwestern student get their chance each year during University Days, this year scheduled for Oct. 20 to 23. For those who will miss this event, now Southwestern will also host University Experience, a condensed version of University Days. It is for public schools, schools outside of the Southwestern Union, and home schools.

University Experience takes place on Oct. 30 and 31. Students will arrive on Sunday, and start their experience with a social event.  On Monday morning, they will sit in on a class, meet a department advisor, and meet a financial advisor.

“Every campus has its own personality. You have to actually go to the school to find out what that personality is,” says Tina Bottsford, director of enrollment at Southwestern Adventist University.  “When I was a student I had never visited Southwestern and, although it was an option, ended up going somewhere else. It wasn’t until I was a student here that I found all of Southwestern’s benefits over the college I had been attending.

You will never know all that Southwestern can offer until you come visit this school.”


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