Chef Greg Announces 2010 Cafeteria Hours

After many years of the same hours of operation it seem many students have not yet figured out that the cafeteria is open longer. Here are the hours of operation for the 2010-2011 school year.

Breakfast, light 7:00-8:00am M-F
Breakfast, hot 8:00-8:45am M-F

Lunch, regular 11:30am-1:00pm M-F
Lunch, light 1:00-1:30pm M-F
Sabbath Lunch 1:00-1:30

Supper, regular 5:00-5:45pm M-F, and Sun
Supper, light 5:45-6:30pm M-Thursday
Sabbath Supper 5:30-6:00

Rusty Bucket 9:45-7:30 M-Th also closed briefly at 1pm and 5pm for employee meal break
9:45-5:00 Fri also closed briefly at 1pm and 5pm for employee meal break

All of these times have been and are continuously displayed in the front lobby and at the cashier office.

These times supersede all other printed information in bulletins or other handbooks as the changes were made after those items went to print.

Light breakfast is continental (no hot foods). Hot Breakfast is only 8-8:45 as 80% of our breakfast business happens from 8:15-8:30.

Light lunch and light supper means that the cooking process is concluded and the buffet line will not be replenished as it was during the regular service time.

For Dorm Students Only: As always ‘meal subs’ are not available during the meal service times posted above (Meal Subs are only for dorm students).

The cafeteria has decided to do the extended hours of service in an effort to be more accommodating to the ever evolving class schedule. All extended hours are currently under review. Extended meal times may be stopped without notice for lack of attendance. In other words, I am allowing a period of weeks to see if the extended hours are taken advantage of by enough people to warrant continuation.

If you have any questions or comments, please respond.

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  1. J
    September 10, 05:32 Reply
    Breakfast, hot 8:00-4:45am M-F?

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