Biology Greenhouse Goes Through Renovation
The greenhouse on campus used for botany classes has recently gone through renovation.
According to Arthur Schwarz, associate professor of biology, plastic panels with UV resistant coating that line the roof of the 200-foot-long greenhouse had been installed improperly and had turned brittle and started breaking. The company that had provided and installed the panels originally has since gone out of business.
New panels have been installed properly since the beginning of the school year.
The greenhouse is used by the 20 students in the Plant Dynamics course, as well as students who use it for research for their senior thesis. In addition, some faculty research goes on in the research. An aquaponics system—which uses fish culture to grow plants—is installed in the greenhouse, and Schwarz would like to see a water garden there to cultivate aquatic plants.
With an influx of new, research-minded biology professors in the department, there will be more emphasis on student research in the future, and the greenhouse will play a necessary part in that.
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