Posts From Wiz Sebulburo

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Video: Interview with Kyle Portbury, Director of “The Hopeful”

by Wiz Sebulburo & Maritza Ortiz Share this:

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Audio Slideshow: Jasper Delim, CASA Math Tutor

by Wiz Sebulburo and Diana Monterroza Share this:

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Spring Play Set for Alumni Weekend

By Wiz Sebulburo The annual spring play at Southwestern Adventist University is scheduled for April 12 and 13 during SWAU’s Alumni Homecoming Weekend. According to Play Director Brett Hadley, also

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Video: ESL Department Feature

by Maritza Ortiz, Wizan Sebulburo, and Diana A. Monterroza   Share this:

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Three Ways to Find Inspiration for Online Content

This entry is shared with permission from Wiz Sebulburo’s Instagram site. You can find him on Instagram at #wizisnothere. Do you ever have those times when you just don’t know

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Thomsen Observatory Stages Viewing Party for Upcoming Solar Eclipse

The Thomsen Observatory and Southwestern Adventist University will host a viewing party for the solar eclipses set for Oct. 14 and in the spring of 2024. According to Jerry Becker,