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Podcast: Student Unrest at UT Austin

Graduating SWAU Comm Major Nolan B. Westerman interviews UT Student Gerry Bravo about recent student unrest on the Austin campus. Share this:

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Audio Slideshow: Finals at the Library

Junior journalism student Makala Coleman shares her view of the finals experience. Share this:


  1. A. Allan Martin, PhD, CFLE
    September 18, 02:51 Reply
    Know that we always love to have you here in person, but even if you can't make it to Arlington, you're welcome to catch us online, Saturdays 10:15 AM [Central] At Younger Generation Church, we are: • Pursuing intimacy with GOD... • Experiencing community with each other... • Inspiring those around us with the hope of grace...
    • Younger Generation Church
      September 21, 19:41 Reply
      Additionally, find full rebroadcasts of worship with Younger Generation Church available: • Sundays, 11:30 AM • Wednesdays, 6:00 PM • Fridays, 8:00 PM

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