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Student Enrollment Statistics Released

The official enrollment numbers for the 2015-2016 school year have been released by Southwestern Adventist University. This data lists the student population by their classification level, chosen field of study

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“Tell The World” Actor Visits Southwestern

Southwestern Adventist University welcomed actor Timothy Paul Coderre onto the stage of Wharton Auditorium on Monday night, October 19. Corderre and his wife Annette are traveling across America in their

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Bob Mendenhall Receives SAC Lifetime Achievement Award

The Society of Adventist Communicators honored Dr. Bob Mendenhall with a Lifetime Achievement Award this weekend in Washington, D.C. at its annual convention. Mendenhall retired in June after 45 years

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Week of Prayer Scheduled for Next Week

“Carving the Character” is the theme for fall semester’s Week of Prayer hosted by Southwestern Adventist University on Oct. 18-23. This semester’s Week of Prayer will have a different structure

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Opinion: The T.P. Detour

On the cover of Charmin’s Facebook page, the mama bear snuggles confidently next to her ultra soft toilet paper. Her name is Molly and she lives in the security of

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Recent Sharathon Nets $130K for The Journey

Once every six months, Southwestern Adventist University’s radio station, 88.3 The Journey, holds its Sharathon fundraising event. Conducted so that the station may be able to raise the necessary funds

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Southwestern to Host Napoleon and America Talk

Southwestern Adventist University will host “The Eagle Chained to the Rock: Napoleon and America,” a talk presented by Dr. Jonathan Abel, associate professor at Tarrant County College Connect Campus on