Writing Center Begins Third Year on Sept. 19
The Write Spot, Southwestern Adventist University’s writing center, opens for its third year of service on Sunday, Sept. 19 at 8 p.m. Started and managed by Dr. Susan Gardner, professor of English, the center provides tutors to assist students and staff with essays and other writing projects.
“The tutor’s job is to help produce better writers, not just better writing,” Gardner says. To that end, The Write Spot tutors offer help with getting started, organization, development of ideas, transitions, grammar, usage, and punctuation, final editing, ESL issues, documenting, and avoiding plagiarism.
Tutors go through extensive training before they begin assisting other students. In addition, professors assist at various times during the week.
The Write Spot is located in the Chan Shun Centennial Library in the library classroom on the first floor, next to the library director’s office. A complete schedule is forthcoming, and will be posted outside the classroom.
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