Week of Prayer To Feature Ivor Myers


Pastor and former MTV star Ivor Myers will speak for Week of Prayer next week.

Pastor and former MTV star Ivor Myers will speak for Week of Prayer next week.

Southwestern Adventist University will hold this year’s first Week of Prayer Oct. 20-24 presented by Ivor Myers, a guest speaker with a heart-changing story. Twice every year, the Spiritual Life and Development Department organizes a week of prayer when students to step back and take a moment to talk to God.

As a Christian university, part of a positive learning environment is the spiritual atmosphere on campus.

“Having peers to fellowship and worship with is one of my biggest blessings,” says Heder Sampaio, finance major. “I think the unique thing about week of prayer is sitting still and being quiet so that God can speak to us.”

The guest speaker during Week of Prayer, Ivor Myers, is an ordained pastor, author, and family man. Myers attended Oakwood Adventist University and is a born-again Christian after leaving the music industry to pursue a more meaningful life serving the Lord. The pastor will discuss the details of his past and share stories of his younger days and ambitions, and how he met Christ.

According to the Spiritual Development Department, it’s a compelling testimony and a blessing students won’t want to miss.

Southwestern Adventist University has at its motto: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Attending students around campus are looking forward to this upcoming week of prayer.

“The best thing that encompasses week of prayer is the unity and watching everyone come together,” says Carleel Crowley, junior. To take that extra time out of our busy schedule and pause to hear stories from people whose lives were changed by God.”

The Week of Prayer runs Oct. 20-24 and takes place at Keene SDA Church. All students and staff are encouraged to attend.

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