SWAU Student Film Chosen for Rockport Film Festival
Every student has or thinks they have an idea of what success looks like in their field, but getting a degree and having credibility in one’s career are two different things. For a writer, building credibility for themselves may be writing books and getting them published, a med student may want to have some experience in working in the hospital, a business major might want an internship with a large firm and an elementary school teacher might want to prove herself through student teaching. Shane Miosi, a senior communication major at Southwestern Adventist University, was able to take the necessary step in building credibility in his career when his short film, “100 Percent Match” got accepted into the Rockport Film Festival in Rockport, Texas, where it will show Nov. 3-5.
As Miosi has studied communication at Southwestern, he has developed a strong appreciation for film and how it can be used to tell stories, and has excelled at telling good stories himself through the lens of a camera. His current film is about a dating company that, like eHarmony and Christian Mingle, finds matches for people. The only catch is that with this company one has to sign a contract that binds them to the company and their chosen partner for life. They can’t break up with them or divorce them ever; if they do, the company can essentially execute them based on what is called the Romeo and Juliet Clause.
Film and creating movies wasn’t always a fascination for Miosi, however. “I actually wanted to be a novelist at one point in my life,” he says. “I was more interested in stories like Dr. Jekyll and Frankenstein than I was in the movies themselves.”
It wasn’t until he turned 17 and saw the film “Inception” that his interest for television storytelling peaked. He tried to get into film school around that time, but if one didn’t have a film to show they wouldn’t be considered and he had no film to show nor anyone to film so he “went on with his life until about a year ago.”
Miosi isn’t focused on just getting his diploma and getting a job with a massive film company soon after he graduates. “I want to be able to work for smaller companies and get more experience while making films and building my portfolio,” he says. He understands that the field he is in is extremely competitive. He just wants to make his mark one film at a time. The more films he can get out there, he believes, the better his chances are in getting recognized for his capabilities.
In the meantime, Miosi is just savoring the fact that his film will be shown next month at Rockport Film Festival.
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