Poetry and Short Story Writers Have a Shot at Cash Prizes in Annual Contest

Southwestern Adventist University’s eighth annual Creative Writing Contest presents the opportunity for students to share their creative writing skills and possibly even earn money for it.

Sponsored by The Rough Writers, Southwestern’s Creative Writing Club, the contest is available to Southwestern students only and includes two categories: short story and poetry. Each category will have first and second winners for cash prizes of $100 and $50 respectively.

To participate in this contest, there are seven rules:

  1. You must be a current student at Southwestern Adventist University.
  2. Your entry must be an original and unpublished work by you. Your work should also be consistent with the values and ideals of Southwestern.
  3. Short stories are limited to 5,000 words or less. Poetry is limited to 30 lines or less.
  4. Two entries per category maximum for each student.
  5. Include the title of your entry on both the first page of the manuscript and on the cover sheet. Do not include your name on the manuscript.
  6. Students can only win once in each category. If a student wins first place in one category, he or she is ineligible to win first place in any other category.
  7. On your cover sheet, make sure to include the entry category, title of entry, your name, year and major.

Dr. Kristen Denslow will judge the poetry category and Dr. Judy Myers Laue will judge the short stories.  

Deadline to turn in all entries is Friday, April 13 at 5 p.m.  The entries must be submitted to robinson@swau.edu to be considered and the winners will be announced on Monday, April 23 in the Southwesterner and via email.

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