Paulsen, Reynolds to Visit Campus in October
Two noted and accomplished speakers will visit the campus of Southwestern Adventist University during October.
Dr. Jan Paulsen, just-retired president of the General Conference, will visit campus Oct. 28-30. He will speak to students and faculty at the University’s weekly assembly on Thursday, Oct. 28, and preach in the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church on Oct. 30. In addition he will meet teachers for a discussion of how to integrate faith and learning. “Elder Paulsen has said that Adventist teachers need to expose their students to intellectual challenges, but ‘bring them home at the end of the day,’” says Eric Anderson, University president. “A scholar himself, he has given serious thought to these issues.” Paulsen is the author of two books: When the Spirit Descends, and Let Your Light So Shine. Dr. John Mark Reynolds, a philosopher and director of the honors program at Biola University, will visit Southwestern the previous week. Reynolds will explain “Why the Origins Debate Matters,” in the first presentation in this year’s Saxon Lecture Series in Science Religion. This public lecture will be held in Wharton Auditorium on Sabbath, Oct. 16, at 4 p. m. Reynolds will also meet with the freshman class, presenting the Christian case for a life of learning.Speaker for last year’s convocation at Southwestern, Reynolds is founder and director of the Torrey Honors Institute, a great books program. He is the author of three books, entitled Three Views on Creation and Evolution, The New Media Frontier, and his recently published When Athens Met Jerusalem: An Introduction to Classical and Christian Thought.
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